Spring Seminar 10% off
Early Registration Checkout
You must watch attend in-person at the Minnetonka Community Center in Minnesota or live via Zoom to receive credit!
*This program has not yet been approved or accredited.
Select ONE from the drop down menu below.
Pay for only ONE person at a time.
Pay for only ONE person at a time.
Early Registration (Now through May 4th at midnight)
DVM: $275* Technician or other staff: $175* Student: $75 |
Regular Registration (May 4th - May 16th)
DVM: $310* Technician or other staff: $210* Student: $75 |
*10% discount is reflected below!
After You Complete the Payment Process:
- PayPal will send you a receipt with a Transaction Number.
- You will receive a confirmation from the Animal Care Foundation sent to your personal email after your payment through PayPal has been processed and your registration information has been matched with the payment. Your Confirmation Number is your PayPal Transaction Number. You should receive your Animal Care Foundation confirmation within 14 business days. You may use this email for tax and accounting purposes.
- If you require any further assistance with online registration, please contact Heather at 763-529-5060 or [email protected].
Thank you for supporting the Animal Care Foundation! We look forward to seeing you the day of the seminar!